Monday, July 16, 2012

Big Hairy Deal

The other morning I walked into the bathroom while J was in the shower to find that he had draped his dirty underwear over my clean towel. The honeymoon is over, my friends.

In other news, my hair is driving me crazy. I don't mean the hair that's on my head. I'm talking about the hair that's falling out of my head. I'm shedding like an Alaskan Husky in Phoenix. I can only assume this has to do with the prenatal vitamins (or preenatale [] vitamins as J and I like to call them) that I've been taking for six month now. Because even though I'm losing hair, I'm not going bald. If anything, my hair is fuller than it has been since my twenties (*sigh*). And the hairs themselves are super thick and strong. But that's what makes it so annoying. Every time I lose one, I feel it trickle down my arm. You know the way it feels if you accidentally walk through a spiderweb? That's how it feels all the time! The drain clogs up each time I shower, I pull big hairballs from my brush daily. They're even tangling up the vacuum cleaner attachment. This morning J said he liked the new rug I got for the bathroom and I said we don't have a new rug in the bathroom! That's my hair.

At least it's kinda nice to feel like I'm losing something other than my mind for once.

Bad Hair Day

1 comment:

  1. I don't take any fancy vitamins and my hair is still all over the place! Probably doesn't help that each strand is 20 inches long... they fall out in the shower while I'm rinsing the conditioner and make a web all over my fingers. I peel it from my fingers and stick it to the shower wall intending to throw it in the trash after and save the drain from clogging. I usually forget. Kurt calls them "shower spiders".
