I've spent the last two weeks adapting to having a new, somewhat rigorous schedule, and as a result, my blogging has fallen by the wayside. I apologize! In addition to having class twice a week, lots of writing assignments, working at the campus writing center part-time (which I'm really enjoying), and freelance writing work, I've also been able to start horseback riding three times a week. With the exception of the last four years, I've ridden horses my entire life. I even worked as a professional for a spell in my twenties. So when a good opportunity to lease a horse with my old barn arose, we jumped on it (no pun intended). And by "we," I mean my father. He's always loved horses and had wanted an excuse to come watch me ride again. The horse's name is Axel (show name is Guns N' Roses...he fits right in with our musical household.) I feel extremely blessed to be able to enjoy my favorite sport again. I'm definitely in my happy place when I'm around horses.
So that's where I've been! And honestly, the thing that takes up the most time is just driving to and from all these activities. The LA freeway system eats up hours of life. It's kinda depressing. I don't want to think about it.
I can promise you this: on Wednesday, I'm going to publish a story from my second guest mommy-to-be blogger. It's wonderful and I can't wait to share it with you.
Meet Axel! |