Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bad Timing

A very cool woman in my USC program has a three year-old son and told me she and her husband conceived by having sex every day. EVERY DAY?!? There's no way J and I have enough energy to have sex every single day. That sounds exhausting. Which begs the question: if having sex everyday sounds exhausting, how the hell are we going to have enough energy to raise a child?

Smile! You're hormonal. 

J and I are, of course, relying on the ovulation tests to tell us when we need to kick our sex life into full gear. And last Sunday morning, the Clear Blue Easy ovulation stick told me it was go time. (See the adorable happy face above? How cute is that? Best pee-stick indicator ever!) But the timing couldn't have been worse. First of all, we were in SD visiting my father for Labor Day weekend and there's absolutely no privacy in the house. It's impossible to slip away with your husband for a few minutes and not be missed when you are an only child visiting her dad. Having 2/3 of the people in a household disappear into the bedroom looks a bit suspicious. And for some reason, J just didn't want me to say to my dad, "Hey, we'll be right back. Just need to go make a baby."

But worse than that, the same morning the happy face appeared, J came down with a terrible case of food poisoning thanks to a plate of scallops he had for dinner the night before. He was sick for 24 hours...the same 24 hours when I was at the peak of my fertility. Turns out it's best to avoid shellfish, not just when you're pregnant, but also when you're the husband of the woman trying to get pregnant!

Fortunately, he's feeling much better now. So maybe we have time to squeeze in one quick round today before the window closes hopefully?!?

Getting pregnant is a little like trying to time it so the DeLorean connects with the cable that connects with the clock tower right when it gets struck by lightening.  And if you don't get that reference, you are too young to be reading my blog.

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth.... ever try using a Turkey baster? sometimes its easier to bang it out alone...?! then just baste, and go stand on your head in the living room and tell your dad its a new yoga routine.
