I've extended an invitation to some of my friends to see if they would be interested in contributing articles for my blog. Some are mommy's, some are mommy-to-be's, others just want to write about mommy-related stuff.
I'm happy to share an article by my first guest blogger, my mommy-mentor, CM. She wrote this account of the birth of her second child. CM had a C-section with her first son, but delivered naturally ("VBAC" - Vaginal Birth After Caesarean or "TOLAC” - Trial of Labor After Caesarean ) with her daughter just a few short weeks ago. I'm in awe of her determination and strength, but I won't lie: this story makes me want to go back on the pill. Here's her harrowing tale!
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Something told me that my baby girl would arrive before her due date! I kept telling her to wait until June 24th so that she would be 37 weeks which is considered "full term." She is such a good girl and listened to her mommy! On June 24h at 2:15 am, my water broke. We were advised to head to Alta Bates to check and see if I should be admitted.
After I was in Triage for awhile, the test for amniotic fluid came back positive. Indeed, this baby was coming within the next 24 hours! I had been pretty disappointed with my first birth experience since I hadn’t even pictured a Caesarean section as an option. This time, I was hoping that I could become one of the successful VBAC mothers. Janaki had advised us to inform the nurses of my desire for a VBAC, be prepared to have a room by the Operating Room (just in case), ask for a telemetry wireless fetal heartbeat monitor, and be ready to have an IV with pitocin administered. When I met my nurse, I realized that we had a mutual friend in common…this was a good sign!
Not once did I lie/sit in the hospital bed during my labor. I paced the same stretch of hallway for two hours (you have to stay in the range of the telemetry unit so that the baby’s heart rate can be detected), squatted in the hospital room, and my husband was super at doing the lower back and pelvic pushes taught to us by Janaki. Even though it had been two years since our initial childbirth classes, my husband remembered everything and was the perfect coach. He reminded me to channel my energy into opening up, and the nurse reminded me not to tense up my shoulders and neck. These were helpful suggestions! My mom’s presence was very helpful and supportive, too.
By the time my labor really started to get more intense, I was 6 centimeters dilated. After about an hour of leaning over the bed and dancing with my husband through contractions, I had reached 8 centimeters. Things were progressing! The nurse was incredibly amazing with her advice. She suggested a hot shower. I was hesitant since with my son I had shivered and didn’t feel myself open up at all. This time, the water was amazing on my lower back. I sat on a stool and hunched over a birthing ball. My mom was holding my hands while my husband aimed the shower head at my lower back. It was really encouraging to see the nurse begin to prepare the baby’s table inside the room while my doctor was dressing up in her surgery clothes. Suddenly I realized that I could do this…and what was even more exciting was the fact that everyone believed that I would!
When I exited the shower, I was 9.5 centimeters dilated. After going on all fours, I quickly became 10 centimeters dilated. Only then did I lie down on the bed holding onto the squatting bar. I pushed for 40 minutes but it only felt like 10 minutes. The last three pushes, I felt a burning sensation and I just kept focusing on opening up below. Another nurse came in to assist and I appreciated the helpful suggestions and positive atmosphere. After being told to wait and breathe rapidly (to slow down the baby so she wouldn’t tear me too much), I felt a gush of water as 1.5 more liters of amniotic fluid flew out of me along with my beautiful 8 lbs, 14 oz. baby girl. She was brought immediately to my chest where I could hold her. I was in awe of the entire process. I looked at her speechless. Then, I remember looking up at the rest of the spectators exclaiming , “Oh my gosh. I did it! I really did it! I had a natural, no pain medications birth. Wow!” We waited for the umbilical cord to stop pulsating before my husband cut the cord (he never got to experience that with our firstborn) and then I watched the baby get cleaned and checked out while I was stitched (I had two 2nd-degree tears).
All in all, it was the most amazing experience ever! I really, really want other mothers to know that they can do this, too. I was doubting myself for the last month or so saying things like “This baby feels too big to push out” or “It’s okay if I have another c-section”. It totally would have been okay with me because the ultimate goal is a healthy baby but I was completely satisfied with my birthing story. My wish is for all mothers to feel this very same way with whatever experience they choose!
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