I went to the supermarket yesterday in an attempt to be a good wife and come up with some meals to feed my husband and me for a week. Does anybody else become so overwhelmed by the endless array of food options in supermarkets these days that eventually they look around, shrug their shoulders, say "there's nothing to eat here" and leave? Cause that's what I do. I was trying to find something I could serve with chicken breasts so I stepped into the rice aisle...
after running back and forth the entire length of the store three times trying to find the rice aisle. There were 3,000 different types of rice! Jasmine rice, Basmati rice, saffron rice, cajun rice, long grain rice, short grain rice, black rice, brown rice, white rice, rice-a-roni, rice krispies...holy crap!
I'd pick up one box, stare at it for a moment, put it back. Pick up another box, stare at it, put it back. I tried to evaluate the photographed of rice pictured on the front of each package, but I couldn't focus on anything, like I had developed some sort of adult-onset rice autism. I stood there for three more minutes hoping one of the boxes would fly off the shelf and into the cart because I could not make a decision to save my life.
Finally I walked over to the salad bar, and filled up a plastic container with pasta salad. Done.
By the way, isn't pasta salad a fancy way of saying cold pasta?
Screw you, rice. |
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